Q: Want to be happier, healthier and more creative?

A: Immerse yourself in nature.

I can show you how with “Educating the Heart with Nature Art” Program. The first two chapters on this beautiful journey of rediscovery offers you personal enhancement development and gifts you balance and harmony back into your life:

Chapters 1 and 2: Personal Enhancement Development/Nature Art Program:

  • Rediscover your own deep rooted connection to nature

  • Rekindle your own personal creativity – Relearn the observation of the natural world using all your senses: The Sense of Wonder

  • Learn how to actively engage children with nature through meaningful nature based art activities

  • Bite-sized training workshops that are easy and fun and packed with inspirational ideas (PDF’s and Video)

  • Convenience to work at your own pace and in your own home

Many adults and children are more stressed, afraid and anxious than ever before; we are destroying the planet and our happiness is diminishing.

By reconnecting with nature, we move toward a more sustainable future for our planet and a much happier and holistic existence for ourselves.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” – Aristotle

Let me help you rediscover nature with a childlike sense of wonder, as an adult, reawakening your senses and rekindling a love affair with the natural world and in doing so nurturing the creative being within.

“Nature itself provides the best university for learning, but our senses must be reawakened first.” – Thom Henley, Rediscovery

My guarantee to you, after completing the first two chapters – you will feel happier, healthier and more creative. And thus obtain the essential ingredients for teaching from the heart. Teaching with love and compassion enables you to deliver lessons with much greater depth and meaning.

“If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder…he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.” – Rachel Carson

These  two chapters are part of “Educating the Heart with Nature Art” online program that consists of 12 chapters. For a limited time only, I am offering the first two chapters separately. This offer is open to all educators, parents, organizations. If you wish to continue to complete the full (12 chapter) program your purchase price will be reimbursed.

Learn it, Incorporate it, Be it! Be the change you wish to see in the world.

“Marghanita’s online program is inspiring, deeply meaningful and is much needed in today’s technology-driven world.” – Sue Paterson – Early Childhood Educator, Australia

Chapter One: A Journey of Rediscovery – Nature is the Best Teacher

An introduction to the concepts behind the classes of the program.

Chapter Two: Rediscovering our connection

Instructors and students are introduced exercises to expand the creative mind by letting go of creative restrictions and embedded thought patterns.


These  two chapters are part of “Educating the Heart with Nature Art” online program that consists of 12 chapters. For a limited time only, I am offering the first two chapters separately. This offer is open to all educators, parents, organizations. If you wish to continue to complete the full (12 chapter) program your purchase price will be reimbursed.

To view the list of the FULL PROGRAM (12 Chapters)


Enroll online today at EHNA Learning.


Learn more about EHNA Learning.