Today I am working on completing my PDF for the Play and Create Outdoors Project which you are all invited to participate in.
Nature Nurtures Creativity
The project is all about getting children back into nature where their curiosity and imaginations can flourish. Today I was that child, playing underneath the ponderosa pine. I gathered a few pine cones, clay and some wool and created little Aiko.
We are part of nature
The Japanese meaning of Aiko is beloved child - I felt this was the perfect name for this beautiful soul. Aiko is one of the little characters I am using to help promote the Play and Create Outdoor Project.
Aiko - beloved child
I wanted to capture the innocence of a child, the purity, the love, the joy - I think I have captured that with Aiko
I hope to have the PDF ready to download early next week and hope you will all join in the fun of getting children back outdoors into the natural world.
We are all beautiful, unique, highly creative beings full of love - I just love how different we all are and yet part of one big family!
Daisy by Elise with Aiko
Here is one of my students beautiful creations - Daisy by Elise hanging out with Aiko - what adevntures will they get up to this weekend outdoors in nature? Our Lets go Play, Explore and Create Outdoors Project invites you to share your creative outdoor adventures with Daisy and Aiko - can’t wait to share the project with you next week.
Nature makes us Happier, Healthier and more Creative
Until then, wishing you all a beautiful weekend, know you are deeply loved, Marghanita x