We have had so much fun learning about the solar system through playful nature art these last few weeks. I decided to share Kandinsky's wonderful colour study using Concentric Circles - a circle within a circle as an example - inspiration - a starting point for our very own exploration of colour and circles in nature which led us beautifully to our solar system investigation.
Elise had an amazing time making her rocket from recycled materials and decorating it with a Kandinsky inspired cone roof . Her aliens, made from fallen branches and clay - were thrilled to be transported from one planet to another.
Yesterday, Elise was about to fill one of the paint lids with more paint when a little insect landed on it. We had just finished talking about how much the lid looked like the planet earth. The bug decided to take a walk around the lid - this made Elise giggle.
As she observed the insect, the biggest smile grew across her face - "look Marghanita, he's walking around planet earth' - the insect proceeded to walk another lap around the earth, then another - "maybe he would like to visit another planet too" Elise said excitedly and ran off in the direction of the trees.
Creature in Hand
Elise returned with a small leaf, a remnant from Autumn - this could be its space rocket she declared and gently, very gently placed the bug onto the leaf and whisked him off to the chalk planet she had designed earlier, on one of the tree stumps seating. The insect crawled off the leaf and onto the planet - he seemed very happy indeed, so too did Elise.
Curiosity, love and compassion
Elise was captivated and calmed by the energy of this sacred moment with the insect. A moment of wonder and awe. A moment of pure joy.
Time in nature is a magical time - a time of mystery and excitement, of questioning, sharing stories, learning and growing and forming deeper, meaningful relationships.
We Protect What We Love
Love and respect for the natural world can only happen when we make time to nurture our relationship with nature. As adults, we have a responsibility to help nurture the sacred relationship between the child and Mother Earth.
“If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.”
- Rachel carson
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Reconnecting the Child’s Heart to Mother Earth’s Heart