Invitation to view my Latest Artwork

"Healing yourself is connected with healing others."

Yoko Ono

A fundamental part of my healing process is creating art, inspired by my time in nature. My way back to finding myself, was not returning back to who I was; it was; and continues to be, a journey of discovering the new me. Life changed forever when my brother died.

Creating art inspired by nature has been crucial to my recovery. The traumatic death of my brother triggering my stroke, and the resulting concussion forced me to rest and reflect. Initially frustrating, unable to be active, this period became an opportunity for deep introspection.

And I was incredibly fortunate to be in the best place to rest: Mother Nature; I was able to immerse myself in the wilds of nature and nurture myself in the most natural, organic way. Nature is my medicine, my greatest teacher and a constant source of inspiration for my art and work.

My art is somewhat a personal documentation of my soulful journey; a celebration of our sacred relationship with nature and each other; and I hope my art may speak to your heart or resonate with you in some way. I feel incredibly blessed to be able to share my art with others; creating connection; opening up communication and healing together through art, while sharing and celebrating our love of our sacred Mother Earth,

truly is - a beautiful thing.

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