"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." - Mother Teresa
When Covid struck, many of us started wearing masks which hide our SMILE - this makes me sad. One of the most beautiful things is a person's smile. I know we can smile with our eyes when we are wearing our masks, however I long to see everyone's smile. So I am asking you to join me on this delightful quest to POST A SMILE. Now I am not asking you to take a photograph of you smiling and post it via email or instagram - NO this doesn't involve technology....This involves drawing or painting a smile, putting it into an envelope and sealing it with love and posting it to a loved one by good old fashioned snail mail.
There are many of us who are really missing loved ones, and cannot visit them due to Covid travelling restrictions so I thought this would be a beautiful thing to do for loved ones - they can hold the smile and feel the joy, the happiness, the smile… always with them.
I wrote this underneath my little smile picture -
“When I think of you it makes me smile and I feel happy - I wanted to send you my smile so that you can see how happy you make me - how much I love you. Missing you and love you so very much, Marghanita x”
Smiling makes us happier! A smile spurs a powerful chemical reaction in the brain that can make you feel happier. Try it right now - "just smile" force it if you have to, but try it !
SMILE - how do you feel? .....happier - right! How powerful is that!
I hunger for good old fashioned ways of communication....as much as technology has been, and continues to be, a great tool, especially during covid in helping us all stay in touch with loved ones, family and friends around the world. I do, however, miss the written word and receiving letters - an email just isn't the same as receiving a hand-writen letter in the post, opening it up and reading the words. Holding the letter in your hands, re reading it over and over again. Placing it somewhere I can see it, each day, a reminder. By sending a hand drawn smile or self portrait of you smiling not only gifts the person receiving it an enormous amount of joy, I promise you, that you too, will experience great joy in the process of creating. It can be as simple drawing or a detailed one in any medium, it can even - just be a doodle. The only rule is that it must be a smile and popped into an envelope (that is part of the magic) and sent by mail. Ofcourse this can be delivered in person by hand, if possible.
Mixed Media Self Portrait by Elise - “SMILE”
Mixed Media Self Portrait by Elise - “SMILE”
I invited my student, Elise to take part in the “mail a smile” - inviting her to create a mixed media self portrait as part of our investigation about autumn trees. Elise and her sister collected the fallen leaves prior to our online meeting. I have been providing nature art therapy for Elise online post Covid. Will be sharing this beautiful creative activity with you later in the week - stay tuned!
Studies have shown that just the act of smiling (making the physical facial shapes and movements), whether the result of real joy, or an act, can have both short- and long-term benefits on people's health and wellbeing. Here you can read about how smiling can also : Relieve Stress; Elevates Our Mood; Is Contagious; Boosts Your Immune System; Lowers Your Blood Pressure; Makes Us Feel Good; Makes You Look Younger; Helps You Stay Positive; Makes Us Attractive...artcile on the benefits of smiling
And another link Why You Need to Smile More
SAFETY: In order to be super safe, only use stamps and envelopes that DO NOT REQUIRE you to wet the surface. The World Health Organization (WHO) and Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) have assured us the risk when handling mail, including international mail, is low. According to the PHAC, there is no known risk of coronaviruses entering Canada on parcels or packages.
If you feel concerned about the safety measures of mail handling then of course taking a photo and sending via email is an option. According to the Centers for Disease Control and the Surgeon General, there is no evidence to suggest COVID-19 is being spread through the mail.