What fun it is to play with nature. Being creative with treasure gifted by our Mother Earth is something I have done since I was a child. The creative process, the journey - gifts me immense joy. Our lives are so busy and fast and scheduled, making time to be creative with nature allows us to slow down and experience joy and restore our sacred relationship with the natural world.
Yesterday I was playing with leaves I had pressed.. Here is one of my wise men - “Hidden in a Leaf” - Mixed media fun for my Urban Nature Art Program for Adults. Module 11 (One Single Tree)
A single leaf has many magical and enchanting stories to share.
I invite you to play with the treasure gifted from our Mother Earth. Why not join us on this beautiful, soulful journey of creative exploration - we would love you to join us at Educating the Heart.
Wishing you all a magical and enchanting Tuesday, know you are deeply loved, Marghanita x