Wonders of the Natural World - Natural Clay Play

Nature Art in it’s Purest Form

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It was an extremely hot day so I went down to the creek next to our camp to cool down and play for a while. To my delight, I found natural clay and began playing with the organic matter…I was beyond excited about playing with Natural Clay in it’s natural environment. 

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When you play in nature; observing, exploring what interests you - you discover things - Magical Things!!! - Like Natural Clay!  I didn’t set out to create anything - just to play but I found myself making a little pot, several infact as I couldn’t pull myself away from the creek and the playful fun I was having with the clay. 

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My little daisy pot I made is special - for it holds magical memories of my time at the creek, a time of freedom and pure joy, of communion with the natural world. It is a little piece of me and my story, the cedar, the daisy embedded in my little rugged pinch pot, not perfect by any means. It tells of the joy and delight of creative play, the freedom to explore and express myself in my own unique way. We are all beautiful, highly creative beings who need time to express our feelings and emotions and when we do, it brings harmony and balance back into our lives and right now I believe we all need this more than ever before.

Watch the video: Natural Clay Play


Now that you have watched the video, how can you and your students experience clay play in your classroom, outdoor space or at home?


Simply by leaving a message below you can Listen to my short podcast on the video - Natural Clay Play and receive a FREE Clay PDF and discover the magic and wonder of this multi-sensory experience.

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I am still that young child full of curiosity and wonder. What is clay? What is it made of, where can you find it - you can explore all these wonderful questions with your students and learn together. 

Messy Play - Many children never get to be really messy - clay is messy, that’s part of the fun!

Whats really important is that the children (adults) get to play, explore and discover for themselves the joy of creative expression…the freedom to play with the clay without direction or judgement. 

When the children have had many wonderful playful experiences with clay you can invite them to make something simple like a pinch pot or clay deer; owl…whatever. Very young children will be happy to play along side the older students with the same materials.

We Protect What We Love

Playing in nature with nature helps nurture a deep love and lasting relationship with the natural world.

Down at the Creek immersed in the flowing water, playing with the clay, surrounded by the cedar I felt one with all creation. It felt natural to paint my body with the clay, I know children and adults would love to do this too. Watching the clay designs dry on your body is super cool and what a thrill tit was to allow the force of the pounding water to wash it all away. How quenching and invigorating! 


Truly grateful for this beautiful creative exploration and thrilled to be able to share with you all a tiny glimpse of the magical wonders of the Natural World. Inviting us all to Play, Explore, Imagine, Create…wishing you all a beautiful and creative September - how exciting to witness the changes that will take place during Autumn - a most magical season - enjoy!

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Notes on Clay Play