Due to COVID-19 all of the in-person nature art therapy sessions were suspended in March and I was waiting to see if our sessions might be able to move to online sessions...which we did late last month.
All of my nature classes are held outdoors, so I wanted to incorporate as many outdoor experiences as possible for my students yet keeping mindful of certain restrictions.
Nature Art Hunt
Last week I decided to invite my students on a Nature Art Hunt where they had to look for Nature Art I had made outdoors and hidden in locations that they frequented throughout the year during our one to one sessions. This way the students and myself were visiting "our" familiar nature space albeit not at the same time.
For this particular session I decided to create 4 nature art pieces they could find easily. And invite the students to create their very own nature art from natural materials they could collect from that environment they were visiting. I made a short video and sent over instructions.
Elise’s older sister reads the instructions while Elise studies the drawings
Being in nature decreases stress, relieves attention fatigue and increases creativity
These multi sensory experiences help nurture the whole child - body, mind, heart and spirit
A break away from the screens and the stagnant atmosphere of the indoors This simple nature art session is very therapeutic and provides an opportunity to:
Relax and enjoy the soothing rhythm of the lapping waves - time in nature reduces stress levels
Feel the sunshine gifting warmth and Vitamin D which is important for bone growth, muscle function
Playing wild and free on their own - before and after their Nature Art Hunt, they played without any agenda
Excercise: walking to the location, hunting and gathering natural materials for their own creative adventures
Challenging landscape is great for motoring skills - spacial awareness
Measuring distances, observing and reading maps and following instructions; journaling
Oodles of playful creativity, imagination and storytelling.
First on their Nature Art Hunt, they had to find a Mandala made from pebbles I had created on a large rock surface.
They were then invited to create their own rock art while down at the lake - Elise and her sister decided to create this beautiful love heart which I had the pleasure of finding yesterday when I returned to the location. Made my heart sing!
Making mandalas and rock art is a beautiful relaxing, meditative experience for all ages…what a joy it was to find their love heart!
Creating mandalas and rock art is a beautiful relaxing, meditative experience for all ages. At home the children are also invited to create a mandala from items found around their home…for example fruit skins - here I peeled a lemon, a lime and anorange then cut the skin into petals…Citrus oils are great for energising the brain….go on have a go
Not only do these mandalas look great they smell wonderful too!
Elise also had to find a pebble painted ladybug and a bee (that I had made) for their Nature Art Hunt; (the bee will lead us into our next session this week on plants and pollination). During the Nature Art Hunt, older students can record sightings of real bees and other insects in their nature journals.
Back at home, Elise made her very own bee and lady bug…look where she decided they should live for a while…snuggled up beside her tomato plant…how adorable!
Finally the fourth item on their Nature Art Hunt was the Rainbow Gnome made from driftwood. The rainbow gnome is the keeper of the treasured gemstones. He is quite small and very colourful. He loves the trees, especially the Ponderosa Pines. His favourite thing to do is climb the trees.
Once they have found all the nature art they are invited to make up a story connecting all 4 items, the bee, ladybug, mandala and the rainbow gnome. They can tell the story orally or can share it through words and illustration or by acting it out as a short play...
Very grateful to Elise’s mother for recording their playful, creative adventures during and after their Nature Art Hunt
Nature play indoors and outdoors
Although I was not on the NATURE ART HUNT in person, I was with them in spirit. Being able to provide a session of sorts has gifted much joy and a feeling of normality during a very strange and bewildering time.
Children and nature were made for each other. I really hope you are all able to get outdoors and get a good healthy dose of VitaminN - our body, mind, heart and spirit need it more than ever.
Wishing you all a beautiful and creative weekend, with love and gratitude Marghanita x
Nature Art is a pathway to health and happiness - for more inspiring nature art adventures for children and adults - checkout my nature art programs here: NATURE ART