March 2020 was a challenging month, waves of heaviness and bewilderment at the uncertainty of it all, yet Mother Nature kept her promise of Spring and showered us with an abundance of new growth, new life...
and hope
My eyes are weary from the extra screen time, looking up from my computer, I gaze out the window...the Arrowleaf balsamroot cover the hillside. The waves of golden smiles invite me to come and play - how can one resist such a colourful invitation.
Time to take a break from Technology
Nature is forever inviting us to play, explore, observe, listen or simply to sit in stillness
gifting harmony and balance back into our lives.
BC Health officials have said it’s fine to go outside as long as a distance of two metres is maintained between people at all times.
The early morning light in Spring creates a magical and enchanting atmosphere.Spider webs glisten with a hundred jewels. I stand barefoot under the arch of the most delicate white blossoms (the saskatoon), pure and innocent in appearance, the blossoms only last a few days before winds carry them off creating a new love song to fill the Spring air.
Below, deeply rooted next to my barefeet, the golden sunshine faces of the Arrowleaf balsamroot dance majestically - bursting with happiness. Their vibrant, silky flower heads are fully open and so too is my heart; open to receiving the warmth, the light, the energy of the early morning sunshine.
The light is less forgiving, a little harsh but the heat of the midday sunshine is delicous. Bees visit the golden globes of the dancing arrowrleaf and abundant dandelions. Hummingbirds dart back and forth among the ponderosa pines and the saskatoon. Robins are nest building, chickadees playfully chase each other, crows caw and flickers drum and the forest is alive with the sound of music.
My good friends the deer wander in, they are elegant and proud as they walk garcefully through the carpet of gold and emerald green.
One is curious and comes a little closer. The deer are used to me being around.
I put my camera down to fully appreciate the presence of this beautiful wild animal. To be still, fully present in the moment.
I may have seen the deer a thousand times or more, yet each meeting is like the first, magical and enchanting.
"It's being still so that the wonder of spirit can flow outward, so that the world touches me and I touch the world"
Richard Wagamees
I gaze into the eyes of this wise soul and my heart melts. Soul to soul. Sunbeams kiss my face, the wind, the flowers, the trees, the birds and bees in the distance become part of the poetry that envelopes my whole being. I breathe in all the beauty, the love, the light, the music and poetry and dance with Mother Earth. I become one with all creation. It is blissful. My heart is full, full of love and gratitude for this sacred day, a gift, a precious.
Nourished, I head back indoors feeling calm and peaceful.
The light is very different. The wind is cooler yet still gentle, caresing the flowers and myself with whispers of love.
I love this time of day when the light is softer, one last photograph of the golden blooms before they close and sleep under the starynight.
photo by David Hughes
photo by David Hughes
The evening sun will slowly slip behind the mountain and I know the deer will soon be heading back up the hill. Another opportunity to simply sit and be in the moment.
A moment to reflect and appreciate all of the days little miracles.
All we have are Moments
Some of the greatest photographs are captured without the camera - thay are captured with the heart - heart to heart, soul to soul. These are the ones that can never be lost or forgotten. Taking time to open our hearts and touch nature and be touched by all of creation is nourishment for the whole being - the body, mind, heart and spirit, bringing harmony and balance back into our lives.
May you all be blessed with an abundance of moments with our Mother Earth and your loved ones as the month of May unfolds. If you are in lockdown and unable to get out into the wilds, remember, the wild is in you and even one single dandelion is an invitation to be touched by Mother Earth's love and beauty, touched by all creation.
With love and gratitude on this sacred new day, bless you all, Marghanta x