Back to school - Back to Nature - Nature Is Our Greatest Teacher

Yesterday was my first nature art session online with my students - I wanted to provide as much a natural playful session that resembled our in person sessions. My students are 6 yrs plus. I personally, do not feel comfortable in providing any kind of online class for children under 5 yrs. I have several online nature art programs for educators and parents that help foster a deep love and connection with the natural world though soulful nature art for all age groups (4yrs-100). Encouraging children and adults to explore and celebrate their unique sense of creativity.

Exploring the changes in Nature and in Me

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I felt the Autumn trees would be a good starting point for my students. By following the changes in the seasons we can observe, explore and discover that we too, are continually changing. We too, can weather these challenging times we are experiencing during covid. We can observe the changes in the trees during this beautiful colorful season. We can watch how they bend in the wind, with their deep roots, they stand strong and can withstand many storms.

Here is a snapshot of our first session

First Session: Autumn Tree Driftwood Mobile

We began with a little talk about the trees and a few simple tree yoga moves to relax us into our art during our short Skype session - no longer than 20 minutes. I do NOT wish my students to be online any longer than 20 -30 min maximum - all other artwork will be completed at their own pace, following short video workshop and PDF notes for parents which follow by email.

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This workshop involved observing the trees, become the trees with simple yoga poses.A simple meditation. Collecting and gathering leaves of all different shapes, size and color. Creating an Autumn color spectrum using pastels.

What names can we make up for our colored leaves? Burnt Sienna; Yellow Ochre; Raw Umber; Permanent Rose

Another exploration to the lake to hunt and gather driftwood to make our colorful leaf mobile. Such a beautiful multi-sensory experience. Connecting to the natural world through playful, creative explorations.


This workshop and many more are available online. We would love you to join us at Educating the Heart with Nature Art - We provide Nature Art Programs for Educators, Parents and Individuals - helping to nurture the Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit.

Wishing you all a beautiful and creative Autumn, know you are deeply loved, peace Marghanita x