Reflections: What do you miss the most during COVID?

I am grateful for virtual communication but I miss the real “human” in person contact - I miss seeing my students eyes sparkle as they discover a leaf or a tiny bug under a rock - I miss their smiles and laughter, I miss hugging them and holding their hands. I miss my family back in Scotland - I miss my mother most of all.

Watch the video: Time to Reflect - In the video you can hear the Loon calling - I am here, where are you.

I long to hold her in my arms, feel her heart beat next to mine., look into her sparkling blue eyes and tell her I love her with all of my heart. I hope it is not too long before we can all dance once more, hand in hand, heart to heart, soul to soul.

Back in February, I made this little earth being for my mother, I sent the doll by post and kept the shell to give to her in person, when I would visit in October. The visit ofcourse is not possible due to travel restrictions so I will keep the shell close to me for now.


Dancing Under the Cedars

I keep returning to Mother Nature - she is my medicine, she has a magical way of reminding me what is true, what is real. She helps me focus, she soothes my soul, she keeps me positive and is a constant source of inspiration for my work as an artist and educator. I am truly grateful for Mother Earth’s love and nourishment during these strange times.

I have faith and hope that one day we will all dance hand in hand under the cedars…

dancing cedars 7.jpg

What are you missing the most during these strange and bewildering times? Please do share. By sharing our stories, we can help each other navigate through these difficult times.

Know you are deeply loved my beautiful friends, know Mother Nature is here for you too - stay well, stay positive, step outside - love and gratitude on this sacred new day, bless you all, peace, Marghanita x

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