The raw wild ocean had me spellbound
Tofino, Long Beach, BC Canada
Pure joy flowed throughout my entire being as I sat mesmerized by the vast roaring ocean before me. The wild sounds and smells, the giant waves crashing and smashing against the rugged rocks were a feast for the senses.
Tofino, BC - photo - David Hughes
Every salty splash that reached me, made me tingle with excitement -
I felt so Alive!
Tofino, BC - photo - David Hughes
Wild yet Gentle
When the sunbeams kissed the water, as if by magic, a thousand water fairies, crowned with jewels began to dance majestically to a more gentle rhythm of the ocean.
I breathed in all the gentle love and wild beauty and became the ocean, the sky, the cragged rocks. I was one with all creation.
Humbled Peaceful Content
“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” - Gandhi
Tofino, BC - photo - David Hughes
These magical, wild and free days at the ocean, away from technology, will forever be in my heart and gifted enough soul food to keep me nourished until I return later this season. So grateful to be able to spend this sacred time with Mother Earth. The ocean will be much colder and heavy mists will hug the shoreline, creating a more moody, mystical atmosphere….how magical.
Nature is my Medicine
That's what I love about the changing seasons; each one invites us to experience the seasons unique, enchanting gifts. Natural gifts that can nourish our body, mind, heart and Spirit.
Feeling Overwhelmed by these strange and bewildering times?
When I can't get to the wilds - I bring the wilds indoors - you can do this too - play some ocean music, close your eyes and imagine you are on the rock where I was sitting and let yourself be spellbound by the music and poetry of the ocean...
Although it is not possible to share the ocean and forest with you all in person, which I would so love to do, I am however, currently creating a series of mini (very short) video meditations of some of BC’s most enchanting landscapes which we have visited during our three months of van life.
“Nature is my Medicine” mini series - These very short videos can provide a happy boost - during these strange and challenging times, great for the body, mind, heart and spirit....
Simply leave a message below on my blog post and I will send you a FREE link to the first in the series - Nature is My Medicine - Ocean (to be released on 1st October)
Sending love and wishing you oodles of creative adventures with our Mother Earth, know you are deeply loved, peace Marghanita x