FREE Nature Art Workshop

with Marghanita Hughes - BIRD SONG

These challenging times can seem quite overwhelming. It has been a time of mental stress and anxiety for many. 

One way to relieve some of the stress is to be creative

Self-care is vitally important and when we combine nature and art we get a double dose of very powerful natural medicine.

This week I have been focusing on the bird song.

"Once upon a time...there was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk was to heal the world through joy.

The birds still remember what we have forgotten, that the world is meant to be celebrated."

-Terry Tempest Williams

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I love music, we all have our favorite music and bird song is one of my most favorite of all  - it lifts my spirit - the bird song speaks to my soul. Nature, even from a distance, can help nourish our body, mind, heart and spirit.

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Nature Art is Nourishing and Healing

Today I am sharing a Free Workshop and PDF on how we can experience great joy through Nature Art. Download the FREE PDF and watch the video:


Free PDF to accompany this video is available here:


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The nature art workshops are based on the spirit of sharing and caring and connecting with our natural world. Our first session is celebrating our feathered friends and their song. In this unique session we will do a short meditation - awakening the senses, before playfully exploring bird song and what it means to us personally and collectively through expressive art.

Be Kind to Yourself - Make Time for Creativity

Nature Art I can be helpful for self-care, mental health and developing your creative process. Heart to heart - soul to soul.

“Kindness is defined by doing something towards yourself and others, motivated by genuine desire to make a positive difference.  We know from the research that kindness and our mental health are deeply connected. The research shows that kindness is an antidote to isolation and creates a sense of belonging. It helps reduce stress, brings a fresh perspective and deepens friendships. Kindness to ourselves can prevent shame from corroding our sense of identity and help boost our self-esteem.  Kindness can even improve feelings of confidence and optimism.” Mental Health Foundation 2020

Wishing you all a beautiful and creative weekend, know you are deeply love, Marghanita x

Staying Connected to Nature During Covid-19

Due to COVID-19 all of the in-person nature art therapy sessions were suspended in March and I was waiting to see if our sessions might be able to move to online sessions...which we did late last month. 

All of my nature classes are held outdoors, so I wanted to incorporate as many outdoor experiences as possible for my students yet keeping mindful of certain restrictions.

Nature Art Hunt

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Last week I decided to invite my students on a Nature Art Hunt where they had to look for Nature Art I had made outdoors and hidden in locations that they frequented throughout the year during our one to one sessions. This way the students and myself were visiting "our" familiar nature space albeit not at the same time. 

For this particular session I decided to create 4 nature art pieces they could find easily. And invite the students to create their very own nature art from natural materials they could collect from that environment they were visiting. I made a short video and sent over instructions. 

Elise’s older sister reads the instructions while Elise studies the drawings

Elise’s older sister reads the instructions while Elise studies the drawings

Being in nature decreases stress, relieves attention fatigue and increases creativity


These multi sensory experiences help nurture the whole child - body, mind, heart and spirit

A break away from the screens and the stagnant atmosphere of the indoors This simple nature art session is very therapeutic and provides an opportunity to: 

  • Relax and enjoy the soothing rhythm of the lapping waves - time in nature reduces stress levels

  • Feel the sunshine gifting warmth and Vitamin D which is important for bone growth, muscle function

  • Playing wild and free on their own - before and after their Nature Art Hunt, they played without any agenda

  • Excercise: walking to the location, hunting and gathering natural materials for their own creative adventures

  • Challenging landscape is great for motoring skills - spacial awareness 

  • Measuring distances, observing and reading maps and following instructions; journaling 

  • Oodles of playful creativity, imagination and storytelling.

First on their Nature Art Hunt, they had to find a Mandala made from pebbles I had created on a large rock surface.

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They were then invited to create their own rock art while down at the lake - Elise and her sister decided to create this beautiful love heart which I had the pleasure of finding yesterday when I returned to the location. Made my heart sing!

Making mandalas and rock art is a beautiful relaxing, meditative experience for all ages…what a joy it was to find their love heart!

Making mandalas and rock art is a beautiful relaxing, meditative experience for all ages…what a joy it was to find their love heart!

Creating mandalas and rock art is a beautiful relaxing, meditative experience for all ages. At home the children are also invited to create a mandala from items found around their home…for example fruit skins - here I peeled a lemon, a lime and anorange then cut the skin into petals…Citrus oils are great for energising the brain….go on have a go

Not only do these mandalas look great they smell wonderful too!

Not only do these mandalas look great they smell wonderful too!

Elise also had to find a pebble painted ladybug and a bee (that I had made) for their Nature Art Hunt; (the bee will lead us into our next session this week on plants and pollination). During the Nature Art Hunt, older students can record sightings of real bees and other insects in their nature journals.

Back at home, Elise made her very own bee and lady bug…look where she decided they should live for a while…snuggled up beside her tomato plant…how adorable!


Finally the fourth item on their Nature Art Hunt was the Rainbow Gnome made from driftwood. The rainbow gnome is the keeper of the treasured gemstones. He is quite small and very colourful. He loves the trees, especially the Ponderosa Pines. His favourite thing to do is climb the trees. 

Once they have found all the nature art they are invited to make up a story connecting all 4 items, the bee, ladybug, mandala and the rainbow gnome. They can tell the story orally or can share it through words and illustration or by acting it out as a short play...

Very grateful to Elise’s mother for recording their playful, creative adventures during and after their Nature Art Hunt

Nature play indoors and outdoors

Nature play indoors and outdoors

Although I was not on the NATURE ART HUNT in person, I was with them in spiritBeing able to provide a session of sorts has gifted much joy and a feeling of normality during a very strange and bewildering time.


Children and nature were made for each other. I really hope you are all able to get outdoors and get a good healthy dose of VitaminN - our body, mind, heart and spirit need it more than ever.

Wishing you all a beautiful and creative weekend, with love and gratitude Marghanita x

Nature Art is a pathway to health and happiness - for more inspiring nature art adventures for children and adults - checkout my nature art programs here: NATURE ART

Nature is my Medicine

March 2020 was a challenging month, waves of heaviness and bewilderment at the uncertainty of it all, yet Mother Nature kept her promise of Spring and showered us with an abundance of new growth, new life...

and hope

My eyes are weary from the extra screen time, looking up from my computer, I gaze out the window...the Arrowleaf balsamroot cover the hillside. The waves of golden smiles invite me to come and play - how can one resist such a colourful invitation.


Time to take a break from Technology

Nature is forever inviting us to play, explore, observe, listen or simply to sit in stillness

gifting harmony and balance back into our lives.

BC Health officials have said it’s fine to go outside as long as a distance of two metres is maintained between people at all times.


The early morning light in Spring creates a magical and enchanting atmosphere.Spider webs glisten with a hundred jewels. I stand barefoot under the arch of the most delicate white blossoms (the saskatoon), pure and innocent in appearance, the blossoms only last a few days before winds carry them off creating a new love song to fill the Spring air.

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Below, deeply rooted next to my barefeet, the golden sunshine faces of the Arrowleaf balsamroot dance majestically - bursting with happiness. Their vibrant, silky flower heads are fully open and so too is my heart; open to receiving the warmth, the light, the energy of the early morning sunshine.



The light is less forgiving, a little harsh but the heat of the midday sunshine is delicous. Bees visit the golden globes of the dancing arrowrleaf and abundant dandelions. Hummingbirds dart back and forth among the ponderosa pines and the saskatoon. Robins are nest building, chickadees playfully chase each other, crows caw and flickers drum and the forest is alive with the sound of music.

My good friends the deer wander in, they are elegant and proud as they walk garcefully through the carpet of gold and emerald green. 

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One is curious and comes a little closer. The deer are used to me being around.

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I put my camera down to fully appreciate the presence of this beautiful wild animal. To be still, fully present in the moment.

I may have seen the deer a thousand times or more, yet each meeting is like the first, magical and enchanting. 

"It's being still so that the wonder of spirit can flow outward, so that the world touches me and I touch the world"

Richard Wagamees

I gaze into the eyes of this wise soul and my heart melts. Soul to soul. Sunbeams kiss my face, the wind, the flowers, the trees, the birds and bees in the distance become part of the poetry that envelopes my whole being. I breathe in all the beauty, the love, the light, the music and poetry and dance with Mother Earth. I become one with all creation. It is blissful. My heart is full, full of love and gratitude for this sacred day, a gift, a precious.

Nourished, I head back indoors feeling calm and peaceful.


The light is very different. The wind is cooler yet still gentle, caresing the flowers and myself with whispers of love. 

I love this time of day when the light is softer, one last photograph of the golden blooms before they close and sleep under the starynight.

photo by David Hughes

photo by David Hughes

photo by David Hughes

photo by David Hughes

The evening sun will slowly slip behind the mountain and I know the deer will soon be heading back up the hill. Another opportunity to simply sit and be in the moment.

A moment to reflect and appreciate all of the days little miracles

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All we have are Moments

Some of the greatest photographs are captured without the camera - thay are captured with the heart - heart to heart, soul to soul. These are the ones that can never be lost or forgotten. Taking time to open our hearts and touch nature and be touched by all of creation is nourishment for the whole being - the body, mind, heart and spirit, bringing harmony and balance back into our lives.

May you all be blessed with an abundance of moments with our Mother Earth and your loved ones as the month of May unfolds. If you are in lockdown and unable to get out into the wilds, remember, the wild is in you and even one single dandelion is an invitation to be touched by Mother Earth's love and beauty, touched by all creation.


With love and gratitude on this sacred new day, bless you all, Marghanta x

FREE Nature Art Online Workshop - BIRD SONG

Your Invited to Celebrate our Feathered Friends through playful Nature Art with Marghanita

A Free Online Nature Art Workshop on Tuesday 12th May 2020

Collective Nourishment

These interactive nature art workshops with Marghanita are  based on the spirit of sharing and caring and connecting with our natural world. Our first session is celebrating our feathered friends and their song. 

In this unique interactive one hour session we will do a short meditation - awakening the senses, before playfully exploring bird song and what it means to us personally and collectively through expressive art. The beautiful, peaceful - joy-filled energy we create will go out into the world. Heart to heart - soul to soul.


Creativity is ancient and part of what makes us human

What you seek is seeking you

Rekindling our sacred relationship with Mother Earth - Soul to Soul - Heart to Heart through Nature Art

This 1 hour session is all about the creative process - the flow of love.


You will require to register for this free session - see form below


May 12th 10am (Pacific Time) BC, Canada (please make sure to check your time zone - Australia will be a day ahead)

This workshop is for Adults

What you will need:

A large, quiet space to move around, with no interruptions

A computer with good Internet access 

Note pad or sketch pad or several single sheets of paper

A Large piece of paper/card - (the larger the better for movement)

Oil pastels or chalk pastels as I would like you to experience blending the colours- however, if you don't have pastels, water colour inks or wax crayons will do or even kids chalks..or something similar. (Coloured pencils could work too - we just wont be able to blend and smudge).

I look forward to sharing this beautiful creative play with you all, sending love on this sacred new day, Marghanita x

You will require to register for this free session

Tues 12th May Workshop is NOW FULL

you can register for the next free workshop

and you will be notified by email of the date and time


* indicates required

Nest Building


Spring is in full swing - the outdoors is so ALIVE- bursting with activity- especially from our little feathered friends. This time of year always gets me so excited, so many opportunities for playful exploration - it takes me back to my own childhood. Playing, exploring and creating in nature with nature was a daily experience for me growing up. My early childhood education was at home until I was 5 and I had 3 amazing teachers, my Mother, Father and Mother Earth. Early Childhood Education: READ PDF HERE



Bird Song fills the morning air as the birds hunt and gather materials for their nests.

Nest building is such a beautiful - playful and nurturing activity for children of all ages. Let the children choose whatever natural materials they would like to use for their nest, materials like grasses, small twigs, foliage etc.. Mud is wonderful for making nests,, however - if you can't get outdoors to access mud or earth, clay is fabulous too. If you don't have clay - you can use playdough, modelling clay or let the children make their own salt dough. How could we make a nest from these materials. How does the bird make its nest? It’s all about the journey - the creative exploration, hunting and gathering materials, playing with the materials, experimenting what works, what doesn’t work.

Elise made her little mountain blue birds out of modelling clay

Elise made her little mountain blue birds out of modelling clay


If you are stuck indoors or you don't have a garden and are unable to observe the birds in their natural environment, play some bird song music in the background. Bird song is cheerful and calming. Invite the child(ren) to gather some cushions, blankets, bedding, whatever they want and make a cosy nest together. Snuggle in and share stories about birds and how they make their nests. This is a very strange time for both children and adults right now and nest building brings comfort and a feeling of security.

What bird might they like to be? Let the children fly wild and free around the house...

Elise is a Chickadee and leads the way to the nests

Elise is a Chickadee and leads the way to the nests

Back in 2019 in our outdoor classroom we had oodles of fun playing around with the fallen pine-needles creating larger nests - sometimes eagles would arrive to rest in the large nests, sometime dinosaurs, even big friendly giants have enjoyed the children's nest creations.


We also weave nests using willow, weaving other natural materials into the creation, whatever natural items the child has gathered and chooses to use. There are no rules, no judgement - process over product.

Indoors - what could you use around the home? Strips of fabric, yarn/wool? What else? let your child have a hunt around the house to see what items they think would be good material to use to build their nest.

Play, explore create...Have fun nest building wherever you are!

Nature Play is a pathway to health and happiness. Play, keep playing and then play some more!

Here is a snap shot of my early childhood education - CLICK HERE

Finding a New Rhythm

Spring is in full swing here in the Okanagan and today's live entertainment was a performance from these striking percussionists - the Northern Flickers - truly a feast for the senses.

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Nature is our Greatest Teacher

Mother Nature is forever speaking to us, sharing stories, offering guidance, nourishment, solace, not to mention inviting us to play, explore and create. I am so grateful to be able to witness life in it's truest and purest form. The flickers colourful drumming performance had my heart singing. As they flew gracefully through the Ponderosa Pines, down to the lake and back up into the garden at great speed, they had my spirit dancing too. Their energy, their excitement, their beauty and love filled me with energy, with love and gratitude and hope. And of-course I am inspired to paint that energy, that love and hope.

Flickers are members of the wood pecker family and woodpeckers can symbolize change coming to you - a new rhythm to embrace


We are all having to face changes in our lives, some of these changes causing great hardships. When we lost our home back in 2010 during the recession, I turned to my greatest teacher for healing, nourishment and guidance, Mother Earth. Nature has always been my medicine.


There are positives we can take from this difficult time, one positive for many of us, is the gift of having more time - an invitation to slow down. When we slow down, we awaken to the little miracles that are present in every day. The Flickers are a beautiful reminder of how we all have our own song, dance, drum beat and we too, can adapt to a new rrhythm a slower rrhythm one that allows the day to unfold organically where we get to witness all the little miracles unfolding before us.

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As I sit and write this post, the Saskatoon's fresh vibrant green leaves dance majestically in the gentle breeze and I am excited, for I know that soon blossoms will bloom and I know that means the hummingbirds will arrive - gifting immense joy to all. This knowing gives me hope, for I can appreciate every unfolding of the Saskatoon's growth before the humming birds arrive. I also know that we will return to the sacred land and sing and dance among the trees and the birds once day not too far away.

The Earth is not just our environment ~ We are the Earth and the Earth is us ~ We have always been One With the Earth 

Thich Nhat Hanh

For now, we can appreciate from a distance the beauty of the natural world unfolding and witness all the little miracles that are unfolding right before our eyes - Our loved ones smiles, laughter, tears, heartbeat.  Take your time to adapt to a new rhythm - like all things in nature nothing is rushed, be gentle on yourself. Keep well my beautiful friends, know you are deeply loved, peace Marghanita x

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Creative Nature Play Indoors

Nature doesn't have to be put on hold during this very strange and bewildering time - we can be playful and creative with nature indoors - we can and we must continue to nurture the child’s mind, body, heart and spirit.

We know that nature is therapeutic, so too is being creative - so when we combine both nature and art, the children receive a double dose of powerful natural medicine. 

In light of COVID-19, I am creating a short series of playful nature based art activities children can do indoors

In this first episode we go on a bug hunt indoors.

Watch Welcome - Intro Video

Click on the free PDF below to access how to listen to the storybook narrated by Hamish Clark and how to go about creating your very own nature bug hunt adventure.


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“Now more than ever, we need to practice using imaginative hope to think seriously about how to create a healthier, nature-rich, more equitable civilization in the years to come.” - Richard Louv

We need nature in our lives more than ever!

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Let’s Go on a Bug Hunt Indoors!

Aiko - Beloved Child

Today I am working on completing my PDF for the Play and Create Outdoors Project which you are all invited to participate in.

Nature Nurtures Creativity

The project is all about getting children back into nature where their curiosity and imaginations can flourish. Today I was that child, playing underneath the ponderosa pine. I gathered a few pine cones, clay and some wool and created little Aiko. 

We are part of nature

We are part of nature

The Japanese meaning of Aiko is beloved child - I felt this was the perfect name for this beautiful soul. Aiko is one of the little characters I am using to help promote the Play and Create Outdoor Project. 

Aiko - beloved child

Aiko - beloved child

I wanted to capture the innocence of a child, the purity, the love, the joy - I think I have captured that with Aiko

I hope to have the PDF ready to download early next week and hope you will all join in the fun of getting children back outdoors into the natural world.

We are all beautiful, unique, highly creative beings full of love - I just love how different we all are and yet part of one big family!

Daisy by Elise with Aiko

Daisy by Elise with Aiko

Here is one of my students beautiful creations - Daisy by Elise hanging out with Aiko - what adevntures will they get up to this weekend outdoors in nature? Our Lets go Play, Explore and Create Outdoors Project invites you to share your creative outdoor adventures with Daisy and Aiko - can’t wait to share the project with you next week.

Nature makes us Happier, Healthier and more Creative

Nature makes us Happier, Healthier and more Creative

Until then, wishing you all a beautiful weekend, know you are deeply loved, Marghanita x

Creature in Hand - Curiosity and Compassion

We have had so much fun learning about the solar system through playful nature art these last few weeks.  I decided to share Kandinsky's wonderful  colour study using Concentric Circles - a circle within a circle as an example - inspiration - a starting point for our very own exploration of colour and circles in nature which led us beautifully to our solar system investigation.

Elise had an amazing time making her rocket from recycled materials and decorating it with a Kandinsky inspired cone roof . Her aliens, made from fallen branches and clay - were thrilled to be transported from one planet to another.

Elise had an amazing time making her rocket from recycled materials and decorating it with a Kandinsky inspired cone roof . Her aliens, made from fallen branches and clay - were thrilled to be transported from one planet to another.

Yesterday, Elise was about to fill one of the paint lids with more paint when a little insect landed on it. We had just finished talking about how much the lid looked like the planet earth. The bug decided to take a walk around the lid - this made Elise giggle. 

As she observed the insect, the biggest smile grew across her face - "look Marghanita, he's walking around planet earth' - the insect proceeded to walk another lap around the earth, then another - "maybe he would like to visit another planet too" Elise said excitedly and ran off in the direction of the trees.

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Creature in Hand

Elise returned with a small leaf, a remnant from Autumn - this could be its space rocket she declared and gently, very gently placed the bug onto the leaf and whisked him off to the chalk planet she had designed earlier, on one of the tree stumps seating. The insect crawled off the leaf and onto the planet - he seemed very happy indeed, so too did Elise. 

Curiosity, love and compassion

Elise was captivated and calmed by the energy of this sacred moment with the insect. A moment of wonder and awe. A moment of pure joy.

Time in nature is a magical time - a time of mystery and excitement, of questioning, sharing stories, learning and growing and forming deeper, meaningful relationships.



We Protect What We Love

Love and respect for the natural world can only happen when we make time to nurture our relationship with nature. As adults, we have a responsibility to help nurture the sacred relationship between the child and Mother Earth.

If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.”

- Rachel carson


Join our online program and community at Educating the Heart

Reconnecting the Child’s Heart to Mother Earth’s Heart

The Importance of Play

Be the change you wish to see in the world

“The world has changed and we are in danger of leaving our great great grandchildren no hope. We have almost destroyed childhood, we have almost destroyed nature . We have created technology that dilutes the reality of war both through watching bombing on TV and bombing and killing in computer games. Neutralising our senses and allowing us to believe that refugees are either terrorists or scroungers. 

Growing up is now a pressure point on children - achieving not discovering - and the outcome becomes clearer and clearer - three year olds self harming - obesity becoming the norm - social interaction being eroded - and reading to children disappearing. 
We have to reverse this - some of us are trying...”
- Tom Shea

I have known Tom Shea for several years now and had the privilege of spending a playful time with Tom and other like-minded souls during Play Iceland last year. Play Iceland is an organic entity increasingly committed to bringing together excellence in practice, knowledge and the passion to want to grow a movement that will test and challenge the absurdity of putting children into education at a younger and younger age. 

Tom is an extraordinary man with a great vision. He is one of those beautiful authentic souls who’s compassion for all life is evident in everything he does. He is a constant inspiration and what I love most abut Tom is his ability to imagine anything is possible and takes action to make the impossible - possible. I too am a dreamer and a firm believer that anything is possible and I truly believe we can and we must take action to make the world a better place for our children, grandchildren and our beautiful ever-gving planet earth .

Be the change you wish to see in the world

Please take time to watch and reflect on this short film Tom Shea commissioned to help raise awareness of the Importnace of Play.

Beautiful film work by David Hughes

Join us

My Early Childhood Education


I got to play all day, every day. Sometime I played with my teachers but most of the time I played with my brothers and friends. We made up our own games and solved our own problems and built many different structures out of old scraps of wood, ladders, tires -anything that was available.

Creativity blooms in the soil of freedom


Here I share a short excerpt from my early childhood education - click here:

My Early Childhood Education


What we experience as a child establishes deep rooted connections that influence our development and what we might become

So our “early childhood education” built and formed loving relationships that have lasted throughout our lifetime. An unconditional Love - a deep love for ourselves and each other; for the natural world and all its inhabitants; And a love of the Arts.

My early childhood education set me up for life. That strong foundation helped me navigate through the hardships and difficulties I faced later both in school and growing up through the stages in life. Nature and the arts are part of me - how could they not. Today nature and the arts play a fundamental role in my work with both children and adults and the way in which I live my life.

Today I am still that child - playful, curious, full of love and wonder and a passion to share what it means to be human

Preciousness of Make Believe - The Magic Oak Leaf

Fantasy play is enchanting and natural and good for the child's developing brain - it's also oodles of fun at any age!

Keeping the enchantment of childhood alive


The Magic of Nature Play

The outdoors invites us to play, explore and create - a stick can morph into a wizards wand, an oak leaf - a bedding cover for a fairy, an acorn cap - a hat for a little being. Fantasy play is magical at any age.

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere”


When I was young we had a magic carpet that transported us to far off lands, today my little “being of the land” - Piero has discovered a magic Oak Leaf that allows him to fly across the ocean and as far away as the moon and back. Isn't it adorable!

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Lost Words and Lost Imaginations

It really saddened me to read about the word "Acorn" being removed from one of the children's dictionaries - how incredibly sad to think many children nowadays don’t get opportunities to get to know the mighty oak and all its treasure. Childhood and all it’s magic is precious and sacred, so too is our language; our heritage and our trees. What could be more sacred than the life that gifts us the fresh air we need to survive and home to so many of our little nature friends. The acorn is food for so many birds and creatures. And the little caps - well as you can see make the most adorable hats for little land beings and such like!

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We Protect What We Love

Children need time to play in nature, to imagine and create and go on magical adventures. Through this creative nature play they discover more about themselves and their environment and over time a beautiful, loving relationship is formed between the child and Mother Earth.

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“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” 

My love for our children and the natural world will keep me forever creating and sharing for their relationship is vital for our health and wellbeing, for our happiness, our Mother Earth’s happiness and for our future existence.

Connecting the child's heart to Mother Earth's Heart

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Make nature play a part of your day- every day!

Play Explore Create

With love and gratitude Marghanita x

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Learning with the seasons - Snow, Ice and Polar Bears

During our one to one Nature Art Therapy sessions we take inspiration from the natural world and what interests Elise, exploring her interests through a variety of art mediums and different materials. We are learning through our senses as we explore and investigate the changing seasons. Our senses allow us to grow, to feel, and to enjoy the world. By witnessing the changes in the seasons we can reflect on our own personal changes that we have to encounter.

Snow Play

Playful Nature Art helps develop Elise's unique perspective and individual style of creative expression. Snow provides a brand new canvas to play with, to explore and create enchanting art like Elise’s adorable duck sculpture using snow balls. 

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We explored, shapes, colour, textures using snow and earth paint. We love to use earth paint, its safe and eco friendly.

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An engaged imagination - Elise shared stories both orally and through simple drawings with a stick in the snow.

Playful Nature Art helps to calm her body and mind and nourish her heart and soul.

Playful Nature Art helps to calm her body and mind and nourish her heart and soul.

During our nature art sessions Elise draws on the power of her amazing imagination. It is important that Elsie has the independence and control in the creative process.

During our nature art sessions Elise draws on the power of her amazing imagination. It is important that Elsie has the independence and control in the creative process.

Today we learned that polar bears live in the Arctic and unlike the Black Bears here in the Okanagan, BC who hibernate, Polar Bears do not. Another wonderful example of how bears can be similar and yet they are different too. just like we are. 

Outdoors Elise chalked out a polar bear keyline using familiar shapes onto black paper.

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She then ripped up pieces of white paper placing them within the chalk keyline. Once she was happy with her polar bear she added Winters blue skies using chalk pastels.

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Later Elise made an igloo for her clay polar bear (she had made earlier in the day) and her little friend penguin who lives in Antarctica which led to more storytelling both orally and through illustration.

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She continues to learn and grow through her creative journey, learning more about herself our differences and the beautiful natural world we share. Through her creative explorations she is discovering her own art style and how unique she is and how unique her art is.


Art teaches us how to Live

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“Lead you students towards nature, into nature; let them learn by experience how a bud is formed; how a tree grows; how a butterfly opens its wings, so that they will become as rich as variable; as capricious as nature herself.” - Paul Klee

Nature Art - Exploring Ice Formations

Earlier in the week I was captivated by the enchanting ice formations down at the lake-shore. I felt compelled to return to investigate more deeply when I had more time to play.


Today the sun was shinning and I knew the ice would be melting - this was an opportunity to play and experiment with the ice before it trickled back into the lakeshore.

Still bitterly cold, I wrapped up, put on my gloves and grabbed my pastels, camera and a white piece of card along with my newest little companion - another “little being of the land” that I made for my mother, for her birthday.


I have become quite attached to this little being - maybe because she reminds me so much of my mother, how peaceful she looks.

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Loving, Playful, Gentle and Wise

My mother is playful, warm and loving, gentle and wise, still full of wonder and curiosity. She lives by the sea and loves the music and poetry of the wild Scottish waters. I feel so fortunate to have parents who shared the joy, excitement, and mystery of the natural world with me and my brothers while we were growing up.

I will have to post the little being off to mother back in Scotland soon, in order to catch her birthday

The lake is calm, a soft breeze makes the refection of the sky come alive and I am spell bound by the movement and light of the water.


I love how the frozen water envelopes the rock, creating magical and enchanting forms to investigate. Each one unique in its creation, stiring excitement in my soul. The ever-changing light invites a dance with the natural sculptures - creating new images.

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What do we see - what do we feel ?

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Nature Art in its Purest Organic Form

- these natural Ice Sculptures are so inspiring

Inspiring me to play, explore and create. I place a piece of card under the ice structure, trying not to break any piece off as I move the card around. I use pastels as they flow easily in and around the curvaceous form of the frozen water.

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The lake water laps gently in and out below the transparent ice sculpture, creating the most magical sensation. I remove my gloves and lose myself completely in the flow of creating. The cold air nips at my bare hands but I continue, the joy is so intense I cannot stop.

I continue to play with the ice and the pastels, the sunshine makes everything sparkle and my little land being sits peacefully watching, cocooned in her shell.


The turquoise pastel dances across the paper, flowing to the rhythm of the water, melting ice droplets splash gently across the paper and I smudge and merge the pastels. The colours matching my little beings woollen outfit - how magical!

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I almost feel as if I am sharing this enquiry with my mother, I feel her spirit present - I do so miss her, living on the other side of the world!

So grateful to my mother, for her unconditional love, she has always supported everything I have ever done, without question. Today, surrounded by the elements, as I play, explore, and create down at the lake, I feel my my mothers love and it seeps into my creations. How sacred and precious our love is.

Love love love

My playful investigations with the ice has gifted me so many soulful learning ideas that I can share with my students. I wish to offer my students both young and old inspiration, an invitation to explore and investigate for themselves. What will you experience when you go in search of Ice Formations? I know for certain - it will be a joy-filled experience!

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Nature Play is a Pathway to Health and Happiness for all ages, anywhere, anytime

Play, Explore, Create!

Wishing you all a fun week with Nature Play!

Remember we are running a special Nature Play Weekend for Adults in March 2020 - Throughout our Health and Wellness Weekend we will help you awaken your natural curiosity, childlike wonder, and enthusiasm. Creating little "earthy" beings is just one of the many magical activities we will explore during our days immersed in the wilderness of the organic Olive Farm- You can view the details here:


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Know you are deeply loved, peace and gratitude Marghanita x